Celebrating Marian Glen, Former NZCMS Mission Partner

Apr 4, 2024 | News

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Written by Shirley Mcnabb

Let us thank God for the life and service of Marian Glen who went to be with her Lord on Feb­ru­ary 26, 2024, aged 93.

Marian was born in England and became a teacher. After attend­ing Ridge­way Bible College she went to Kenya and taught at the Alli­ance Girls’ School in Kikuyu (near Nairobi), to which she had been appoin­ted in 1960. Her con­nec­tions with Africa were strong. Her father was a Bishop in North Africa and then when he retired to South Africa he became presid­ing bishop of the Church of England in South Africa. It was during Marian’s time in Kenya that she met Bob Glen who was working with the NZ Church Mis­sion­ary Society in Tarime, Tan­zania near the Kenyan border. He was encour­aged to take regular leaves in Nairobi and there they were intro­duced by a mutual friend and got to know each other on picnics and social gath­er­ings. Court­ship was fol­lowed by mar­riage in Nairobi in April, 1965.

The same year Bob took up the role as prin­cipal of St Philip’s Theo­lo­gical College in Kongwa, central Tan­zania. Marian’s role was to assist with pas­toral support for the wives and fam­il­ies of stu­dents, teach English and General Know­ledge and encour­age a wider under­stand­ing of the world at large. Their three daugh­ters were also born during their years at Kongwa.

After their return to New Zealand in 1973 Marian con­tin­ued to support Bob in his work which included lec­tur­ing at the Bible College of New Zealand and then once more serving with NZCMS, this time in Singa­pore for about 2 years. In both places, Marian encour­aged student wives and fam­il­ies and led small study groups.

Always an active sup­porter of mis­sions, Marian was a member of St. Michael’s and All Angels, Henderson.
We praise God for Marian, her love and friend­ship and her service for her Lord. May her family and friends know God’s comfort at this time.

  1. Judy Youmans

    She was a lovely lady. Met her during my time at BCNZ when Bob was one of my lecturers.

  2. Francis Noordanus

    Glad to see this tribute. From contact in the late 1980s, she and Bob were a real team: totally Anglican, heart in Africa and CMS. just as depic­ted in the photo.

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