Tribute to Alison McMillan

May 5, 2023 | News

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By Anne McCormick, Former NZCMS Mission Partner

Alison McMil­lan (nee Rowe) passed away on 3rd Feb­ru­ary 2023 after a short illness. The fol­low­ing details of her early life, includ­ing her mis­sion­ary service with NZCMS, were provided by her younger brother, Rev. Alan Rowe, at the cel­eb­ra­tion of Alison’s life at St Timothy’s, Burn­side, on 8th Feb­ru­ary. I am also indebted to Pamela Brath­waite, who worked closely with Alison at Middleton Grange School.

Alison was born in Nelson in 1943, the second of four chil­dren. Her father was Chap­lain to the New Zealand Defence Forces in various loc­a­tions. The family lived in Roth­er­ham, Rich­mond (Nelson), where Alison started school and was Head Girl and Dux of primary school. Alison’s sec­ond­ary school­ing started at Nelson College for Girls and was com­pleted at Palmer­ston North Girls’ High School, where she was a Prefect and Head Girl.

Inter­est­ing stories of her life emerged through­out the tribute paid by her brother: When she was a child while isol­ated due to Measles, her love of clas­sical music started. Alison enjoyed sports, par­ti­cip­at­ing keenly in hockey and ath­let­ics. She used to cycle 10 km into Palmer­ston North, play a full hockey game, and then cycle home when the game was over. While com­pet­ing in the long jump, she injured her knee ser­i­ously, after which golf became her main sport.

The indom­it­able Alison was also seen riding on a Harley Dav­id­son motor­bike to cel­eb­rate her 50th birth­day, and the adven­ture was repeated when she turned 60!
Alison started uni­ver­sity in 1960, achiev­ing a Bach­elor of Arts degree. Her first teach­ing job was at Melville High School in Hamilton. Alison was involved in Cru­saders (now Scrip­ture Union) and the League of Youth run by NZCMS. She atten­ded the Bible Train­ing Insti­tute in Auck­land (now Laidlaw College). From there, she was invited by NZCMS to go to St Margaret’s Sec­ond­ary School in Singa­pore as a mis­sion­ary. At the school, Alison was respons­ible for the pas­toral care of stu­dents, taught reli­gious studies and led devo­tions three times a week. She resigned from NZCMS when she married Gavin McMil­lan in 1976 and imme­di­ately became step­mother to three chil­dren and mother to one more. Sadly, Gavin, Busi­ness and Prop­erty Super­visor at Middleton Grange School in Christ­ch­urch, died in 1985. This left Alison raising four chil­dren alone while also teach­ing at Middleton Grange, which was demand­ing, but she took it in her stride.

During Alison’s time at Middleton Grange, where she served faith­fully from 1985 to 2008, our paths crossed as I was Lib­rar­ies Manager, and Alison was appoin­ted Teacher with Library Respons­ib­il­ity. As with everything Alison under­took, she was dili­gent, thor­ough, and unas­sum­ing in the role. Teach­ers in the English Depart­ment bene­fit­ted greatly from the resources she wrote and shared so freely, and she was also a mentor to younger teach­ers. In her “retire­ment”, she worked part-time shelving books in the library at the Uni­ver­sity of Can­ter­bury. She trained as a proofreader, assum­ing respons­ib­il­ity for the Middleton Grange school magazine.

Alison was a devoted wife, mother, grand­mother, sister, aunt, friend, and a respec­ted member of her church family. She is remembered for her love of family, quiet service, and deep faith which she demon­strated in her work and rela­tion­ships. Her col­leagues at Middleton Grange described her as a valued friend, a Godly role model, and a humble hero: intel­li­gent, com­pas­sion­ate, com­pet­ent, and ded­ic­ated with an under­stated wit and a con­stant desire to help and support others.

Alison enriched the lives of all who knew and loved her and well deserved the scrip­tural exhorta­tion, “Well done, good and faith­ful servant”.

1 Comment
  1. Christine Coussell

    As a student at Melville High School I was blessed in my senior years by her lead­er­ship of Cru­saders. When she left for Bible College I was inter­ested to follow her journey. Alison was the first person who inspired my interest in over­seas mission and the first mis­sion­ary I ever prayed for. I extremely thank­ful for her example.

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