The Most Excellent Way

Feb 18, 2022 | News

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By Luke Sinclair, Mission Partner to Japan

How do you get from growing up in rural mid-Can­ter­bury to Global mission in the mega­city of Tokyo? NZCMS Mission Partner Luke Sin­clair talks about the small steps of every­day dis­ciple­ship that God can use to send each of us out on mission. 

My first car was cer­tainly no head-turner — a light blue 1989 Hyundai Excel granny-hatch­back affec­tion­ately named “The OG-mobile” after the first two letters of the number plate. Yet the second turning point on my path towards Japan involved this car – both meta­phor­ic­ally and phys­ic­ally. The big change came about when I finally under­stood the second half of a single Bible verse.

The verse was 1 Cor­inthi­ans 12:31 and the first half I under­stood well, “Now eagerly desire the greater gifts.” At High School, I had spent a lot of time reading this chapter and the similar passage in Romans 12 about spir­itual gifts. I had tried to work out which ones God had given me and which ones I hoped he would one day give me. Although I would have said I’d be content with whatever the Holy Spirit gave, in reality, I wanted the more impress­ive, more power­ful, more ‘spir­itual’ ones. The gifts of serving or giving money described in Romans 12:7 ‑8 seemed like drawing the short straw!

But as I came back to fol­low­ing Jesus while at Uni­ver­sity, I spent time in 1 Cor­inthi­ans again and began to spot things I hadn’t seen before. Pre­vi­ously I’d read chapters 12 and 14 as “Paul’s guide to spir­itual gifts” – almost as if it was an instruc­tion manual. But I’d never stopped to ask what chapter 13 was doing in the middle of them – that famous passage about love. Reading through the whole letter I saw how the Cor­inthian Church was full of the Holy Spirit and very gifted (1 Cor­inthi­ans 1:5–7).  And yet Paul said they were “still worldly” and “mere infants” (1 Cor­inthi­ans 3:1). They were a church divided over many things, one of which was spir­itual gifts that they appeared to be using to gain recog­ni­tion, status and power. And so smack in the middle of his teach­ing on this topic in 12:31 Paul says, “Now eagerly desire the greater gifts. And yet I will show you the most excel­lent way.” This way is the way of love. Not the romantic kind, but the love that sinful people at church are to show to each other and to build each other up to per­severe in fol­low­ing Jesus.

All of a sudden my under­stand­ing of this passage was flipped upside down. In my eager desire for the most ‘impress­ive’ spir­itual gifts, I was acting just like the Cor­inthi­ans! I real­ised that rather than looking inward to ask “What is my spir­itual gift?”, the most excel­lent way was to look outward and ask “How can I love my broth­ers and sisters at church one step more?’”

Around that time I had been helping with the church logist­ics team which set up and packed down the primary school we met in each Sunday. Rather than this just being a ‘good thing to do’ I started viewing this as one way the Holy Spirit had gifted me to love my broth­ers and sisters. And as I kept looking at what the needs were in front of me, I didn’t see any ‘impress­ive’ upfront roles, but I did see that the logist­ics team needed more leaders who could take on respons­ib­il­ity for the Sunday set-up. Not quite what I had ima­gined or desired (being a non-com­mit­tal 21-year-old). I had wanted the spir­itual gift equi­val­ent of a Lam­borghini — impress­ive and power­ful! But God had given me a Hyundai. Lit­er­ally. Yet this was the way to love at that time. So, I and the OG-mobile started turning up early to trans­port gear to the school and organ­ise set up.

If you had told me back then that I would later become a cross-cul­tural Mission Partner sent over­seas, I would have laughed. That was not some­thing I wanted to do nor believed God had gifted me in. And yet, looking back now, I can see how that season of med­it­at­ing on 1 Cor­inthi­ans was a key turning point. God had trans­formed my mind by his Word to change the way I approached service, putting love at the centre. And by his grace I’ve (imper­fectly) tried to keep asking the ques­tion and remain­ing open to God’s answer — “How could I love my broth­ers and sisters one step more?” Who knows where God will lead me, or you, next with such a question!?

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