Gift in your Will

Plant­ing Faith­ful Seeds for Eternal Impact 
HomeResourcesGift in your Will

A gift in your Will becomes an inher­it­ance for future gen­er­a­tions yet to hear the Gospel message.

Contact us for more information.

NZCMS is an evan­gel­ical com­munity shaped and com­pelled by the Gospel. As an organ­isa­tion it is pas­sion­ately com­mit­ted to the work of God’s Kingdom on earth.

This work has and con­tin­ues to be accom­plished through faith­ful­ness. The faith­ful­ness of God. The faith­ful­ness of those respond­ing to God’s mis­sional invit­a­tion. The faith­ful­ness of sup­port­ers and prayer teams. Count­less lives and people groups have been trans­formed by the Gospel through the faith­ful­ness of many.

When you include a gift to NZCMS in your Will, you’re plant­ing faith­ful seeds for eternal impact. Your future gift will support the mission and min­istry of NZCMS — extend­ing Christ’s Kingdom through­out the world by empower­ing future gen­er­a­tions, strength­en­ing the church locally and glob­ally and inspir­ing others to par­ti­cip­ate in spread­ing the trans­form­at­ive message of Christ. The faith­ful seeds you plant today will grow and flour­ish to enable count­less gen­er­a­tions to be sent into God’s mission.

All you need to know

About gifts in Wills

You can be con­fid­ent that includ­ing a gift in your Will can do more than you ever imagined.

The impact of your gift

All gifts in Wills are valued because of the impact they have in growing God’s people and His Kingdom in this season and the next. 

Your gen­er­os­ity can result in count­less others dis­cov­er­ing Jesus, growing in their faith and becom­ing dis­ciples who serve the world around them.

How to include a gift in your Will

We lay out a simple 8 step process for how to leave a gift in your Will. 

Find out how you can create a life-giving legacy that will trans­form lives for gen­er­a­tions to come. 


Explore these fre­quently asked ques­tions about includ­ing a gift in your Will to NZCMS. Learn how a gift in your Will can become a faith­ful seed, having an eternal impact for the world.