Pray for our Co-Mission Partners

May 7, 2024 | News

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A new ini­ti­at­ive began for NZCMS in 2023 with AsiaCMS to ‘co-send’ mis­sion­ar­ies from Asia to Asia. These mis­sion­ar­ies work in stra­tegic mission roles in their own or near culture contexts.

Kumar and Kathryn Aryal are the first Co-Mission Part­ners NZCMS is sup­port­ing. Kumar Aryal was born and raised in a devout Hindu family in Nepal. Kathryn grew up in the Phil­ip­pines in a prac­tising Cath­olic home.

The Aryals invite us to pray for them, their min­istry, and their communities. 

Many leaders are being trained and sent out to plant churches in all seven provinces of Nepal. Recently, Kumar and Kathryn cel­eb­rated with their team a new batch of fifty church plant­ers being com­mis­sioned and sent out to their com­munit­ies. The Aryals are praying that 150 new churches will be planted in all seven provinces of Nepal. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will empower and equip them and their team for this goal.

Church plant­ers are being sent out and seeing many mir­acles and sal­va­tions are occur­ring. Please pray for Kumar and Kathryn as they con­tinue to train, encour­age and support these church plant­ers moving through­out Nepal, that God would give them wisdom and strength. Please also pray for the church plant­ers, for pro­tec­tion from any phys­ical ail­ments or spir­itual attack.

Kathryn and Kimar are running many train­ing ses­sions for pastors and leaders around Nepal. Pray for all the logist­ics and plan­ning that goes into these train­ings, that they would have enough energy to run these ses­sions and would be able to teach effectively.

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