Māori Evangelists

The time is now for a Māori Led Gospel Renewal

HomeOur PeopleMāori Evan­gel­ists

The Story so Far

In 1814 mis­sion­ar­ies from the Church Mis­sion­ary Society brought the Gospel to Aotearoa. Once the Bible was trans­lated into te reo Māori, many Māori accep­ted Christ, and they took the Gospel to their own people. Because of this, the greatest revival Aotearoa has ever exper­i­enced swept across this land, bring­ing trans­form­a­tion to count­less lives and communities.

In 2018, the Pīho­patanga o te Tai Tokerau (a Māori Anglican diocese), came to NZCMS with a vision to see Māori once again bring the Gospel to their own people.

Since then we have partnered with four Māori Evan­gel­ists serving under two Māori dio­ceses: Te Hauoter­angi (Howard) and Ngahuia Karaka (Port Waikato), Keri-Ann Hoki­anga (Manukau, Auck­land) and Fran Hoki­anga (Far North). This min­istry is seeing doors opening to the Gospel that have been shut for decades and many are coming to Christ and flour­ish­ing within a Māori led Chris­tian com­munity. However, we’ve also seen through this work that the harvest is plen­ti­ful, the need is great, and the workers are too few. 

The Vision

Our Invitation to You

We see a pathway for how te Ron­go­pai — the Gospel — can be renewed in this nation once again; by part­ner­ing with the crit­ical work of Māori Evangelism.

Our vision is to support ten Māori Evan­gel­ists who could pro­claim and live out the Gospel across Aotearoa. 

This ini­ti­at­ive is not about reach­ing Māori com­munit­ies to the exclu­sion of others in our mul­ti­cul­tural nation. It’s about act­ively reach­ing a spe­cific people group for the benefit of all people in this country. By part­ner­ing with Māori Evan­gel­ists, we believe Aotearoa will exper­i­ence the Kingdom of God flour­ish­ing once again within our local com­munit­ies, nation and beyond!

The time is now for a Māori led Gospel renewal.

Our Invitation to You

 We invite you to be apart of sending a new wave of Gospel workers into God’s harvest fields. Would you take this ini­ti­at­ive to Christ and ask: “Lord, what are you asking me to give?” 

“Katahi ia ka mea ki ana akonga, He nui te kotinga, ko nga kaimahi ia he ruarua;
Na inoi atu ki te Ariki nana te kotinga, kia tonoa e ia he kaimahi ki tana kotinga.”

“Then he said to his dis­ciples, ‘The harvest is plen­ti­ful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, there­fore, to send out workers into his harvest field.’”

- Matthew 9:37–38

Te Hauoterangi (Howard) & Ngahuia Karaka

Te Hauoterangi (Howard) & Ngahuia Karaka

Te Puaha o Waikato (Port Waikato)

Howard and Gladys are evan­gel­ists and church plant­ers in a joint venture between NZCMS and Te Pīho­patanga o te Manawa o te Wheke in the Port Waikato area. They min­is­ter to many marae there and are seeing won­der­ful fruit among the Māori and Pacific communities.

Keri-Ann Hokianga

Keri-Ann Hokianga

Manukau, Auck­land

Keri-Ann is a Māori evan­gel­ist within the Mihingare (Anglican) Church in South Auck­land as a joint part­ner­ship between NZCMS and the Te Pīho­patanga o Te Tai Tokerau. Her evan­gel­istic focus is par­tic­u­larly on reach­ing Māori and those outside of the Church. 
Rev. Fran Hokianga

Rev. Fran Hokianga 

Far north

Fran is appoin­ted as a Māori Evan­gel­ist in the Par­engar­enga, Ahipara, Peria in Te Piho­patanga o Te Tai Tokerau area. She moved to Kaitaia in 2012 with her husband Rapiata after both sensing a call from the Lord to the ‘Far North’.

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New Zealand

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New Zealand

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