NZCMS Support Groups & Events

Mar 30, 2022 | Events, Home Event

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NZCMS holds regular sup­porter events in Auck­land, Nelson, Christ­ch­urch, and Dunedin. These are a valu­able way to hear about the work of NZCMS from Mission Part­ners and staff and to pray together. Every­one is welcome.

The event details below are updated each month as new event info comes in. 

Christ­ch­urch Support Group

Contact Heather Rush for more details — rush.​fam@​gmail.​com

Nelson Support Group

Tuesday, March 11, 12:15pm
Tibble Room, All Saints, 30 Van­guard St, Nelson
Contact Karen for more details — 020 4020 3255

Auck­land Support Group

Tuesday, 25 March, 10:00am
Selwyn Village, “Music Room”, Pt Chevalier
Speaker: NZCMS Mission Part­ners, Andy and Shona Miller
Contact: Lea Tovey — Ph 021 072 0857

Wel­ling­ton Support Group


  1. Henry & Phyllis Paltridge

    The video series on the roots of NZCMS is excel­lent, and res­on­ated with our own exper­i­ence as part of this fel­low­ship for many years. The League of Youth was such a bless­ing, that led to our serving the Lord for 28 years in East Africa, as well as giving us life-long friends who are like family.

    • Antony Ault

      Thank you for enabling me to share in the activ­it­ies, chal­lenges and testi­mony of faith­ful fol­low­ers of Jesus through this newsletter.
      I am a former League of Youther and a member of All Saints Nelson living in the old All Saints vicar­age in the 1950s, a time when youth min­istry on that church sent many to serve Jesus over­seas and full time min­istry in NZ.
      I migrated to Aus­tralia in 1963 and worship and serve the Lord in Hobart strongly sup­port­ing CMS Tas. We meet by Zoom this after­noon so I will share some­thing of your witness for Jesus through Kate and the Sinclair’s.
      We also have a Kate working in South Asia as a single mis­sion­ary. Maybe your Kate and ours would like to connect? Our Kate will be on home assign­ment later this year. My only claim to fame is my father was a CMS mis­sion­ary in Karachi in the late 1920s and I was briefly married to Suzanne, a CMS mis­sion­ary with her then husband at the Murree Chris­tian School during the ter­ror­ist attack in August 2002.
      Every bless­ing in your witness for Him who said “Go and make disciples”.

    • Joyce

      League of Youth in Nelson was also a real bless­ing to me . That’s some years ago.

  2. Hazel Hipkins

    Thank you

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