NZCMS holds regular supporter events in Auckland, Nelson, Christchurch, and Dunedin. These are a valuable way to hear about the work of NZCMS from Mission Partners and staff and to pray together. Everyone is welcome.
The event details below are updated each month as new event info comes in.
Christchurch Support Group
Contact Heather Rush for more details —
Nelson Support Group
Tuesday, March 11, 12:15pm
Tibble Room, All Saints, 30 Vanguard St, Nelson
Contact Karen for more details — 020 4020 3255
Auckland Support Group
Tuesday, 25 March, 10:00am
Selwyn Village, “Music Room”, Pt Chevalier
Speaker: NZCMS Mission Partners, Andy and Shona Miller
Contact: Lea Tovey — Ph 021 072 0857
Wellington Support Group
The video series on the roots of NZCMS is excellent, and resonated with our own experience as part of this fellowship for many years. The League of Youth was such a blessing, that led to our serving the Lord for 28 years in East Africa, as well as giving us life-long friends who are like family.
Thank you for enabling me to share in the activities, challenges and testimony of faithful followers of Jesus through this newsletter.
I am a former League of Youther and a member of All Saints Nelson living in the old All Saints vicarage in the 1950s, a time when youth ministry on that church sent many to serve Jesus overseas and full time ministry in NZ.
I migrated to Australia in 1963 and worship and serve the Lord in Hobart strongly supporting CMS Tas. We meet by Zoom this afternoon so I will share something of your witness for Jesus through Kate and the Sinclair’s.
We also have a Kate working in South Asia as a single missionary. Maybe your Kate and ours would like to connect? Our Kate will be on home assignment later this year. My only claim to fame is my father was a CMS missionary in Karachi in the late 1920s and I was briefly married to Suzanne, a CMS missionary with her then husband at the Murree Christian School during the terrorist attack in August 2002.
Every blessing in your witness for Him who said “Go and make disciples”.
League of Youth in Nelson was also a real blessing to me . That’s some years ago.
Thank you