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National Director joins Anglican Missions Board Visit to Tonga

National Director joins Anglican Missions Board Visit to Tonga

In January 2022, the under­wa­ter Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai volcano erupted which led to sig­ni­fic­ant ash­falls across Tonga and triggered tsunami waves that dis­placed entire com­munit­ies. Anglican Mis­sions has been working along­side the Anglican churches in Tonga to respond to needs in the community…

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The Work of an Evangelist

The Work of an Evangelist

By NZCMS Māori Evan­gel­ist, Keri-Ann Hoki­anga   I con­tinue to lead as Co-Priest at Koringa­rau (new church plant) as I found it is import­ant that pas­toral care and dis­ciple­ship happen to support my role as Evan­gel­ist. Rev Sela Havili and our fam­il­ies have been a huge support in looking at ways…

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Introducing our New Personnel Manager

Introducing our New Personnel Manager

By Bruce White, NZCMS Per­son­nel Manager Kia ora Whānau. I am blessed to have com­menced with NZCMS as a Per­son­nel Manager in early May. I have a varied Chris­tian back­ground, growing up in the Sal­va­tion Army, then the Pente­costal stream, fol­lowed by a Union Church and then 32 years ago moving into…

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Using Tax Credits to Support Māori Evangelists

Using Tax Credits to Support Māori Evangelists

It’s the time of year when we receive receipts from churches and char­it­ies that we give to and get tax dona­tion credits from IRD. If you haven’t decided what you’ll do with this money, do con­sider sup­port­ing the Māori Evan­gel­ists. The impact of their min­istry has been sig­ni­fic­ant. Archdeacon…

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Praying for the Church in Sudan

Praying for the Church in Sudan

By Rosie Fyfe, NZCMS National Dir­ector   Anyone who has served glob­ally knows that when inter­na­tional events hit the news, you connect in a dif­fer­ent way if you’ve lived in that part of the world. The con­flict in Sudan has been close to my heart, having pre­vi­ously served as a NZCMS Mission…

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Long Time NZCMS Board Member Resigned

Long Time NZCMS Board Member Resigned

By Ian Dally, Former NZCMS Board Member Making the decision to step down from the Board last month has promp­ted some moments of reflec­tion on what my asso­ci­ation with NZCMS and the South Amer­ican Mis­sion­ary Society has meant to me over the years. Back in 1975, while still a newly-minted teacher, I…

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Tribute to Alison McMillan

Tribute to Alison McMillan

By Anne McCormick, Former NZCMS Mission Partner Alison McMil­lan (nee Rowe) passed away on 3rd Feb­ru­ary 2023 after a short illness. The fol­low­ing details of her early life, includ­ing her mis­sion­ary service with NZCMS, were provided by her younger brother, Rev. Alan Rowe, at the cel­eb­ra­tion of…

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