News & Events

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Latest News

Are you Seriously Interested in Mission?

Are you Seriously Interested in Mission?

Over the course of the last three years, these groups have been stead­ily growing and we now have regular meet­ings across Aotearoa! First planted in Christ­ch­urch by our National Dir­ector Rosie and former Mission Partner Katie, these groups are designed to host dis­cus­sions and prayer for those…

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IN MEMORIAM — Elizabeth Mary Cooke, Feb 27, 1926 – Sept 27, 2024

IN MEMORIAM — Elizabeth Mary Cooke, Feb 27, 1926 – Sept 27, 2024

Mary Cooke, wife of the late David Cooke, died recently at the age of 98. Mary and David were NZCMS mis­sion­ar­ies in South India 1960–1963. David was the Prin­cipal of the Noble Higher Sec­ond­ary School in Machilip­at­nam, taking over when the school was at a very low ebb and seeing it considerably…

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Mission Partner in Cambodia Gives Update on Future Ministry

Mission Partner in Cambodia Gives Update on Future Ministry

Adrienne is a NZCMS Mission Partner, serving as a com­munity children’s worker in the rural village area in Bat­tam­bang, Cam­bodia. She helps with lit­er­acy and a com­ple­ment­ary program to the local school extend­ing the children’s edu­ca­tion. It’s with sadness that I inform you that I have just…

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CMS Global Chairs Gathering 2024

CMS Global Chairs Gathering 2024

Never before have all the CMS Chair­per­sons met in person from around the globe. For the past four years, CMS Chair­per­sons have met twice yearly via Zoom to build a sense of global fra­tern­ity, hear about each other’s plans, and learn from one another for the good of the mission world­wide. Last year…

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Report from the Diocese of Singapore Mission Consultation

Report from the Diocese of Singapore Mission Consultation

From October 22–25, 2024, the Diocese of Singa­pore hosted the Plant­ing Future Dio­ceses Mission Con­sulta­tion Roundtable in Bangkok. The event brought together key leaders from across South­east Asia, as well as mission organ­isa­tions like NZCMS, to coordin­ate support for Anglican min­is­tries in the…

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Making Jesus Known Among the Nations in Aotearoa

Making Jesus Known Among the Nations in Aotearoa

Are you serving among people of other cul­tures? Has God given you a heart for migrants? Do you desire to see our churches grow inter­cul­tur­ally? If so, then this event is for you! NZCMS’ Inter­cul­tural Min­is­tries Enabler, Alice Kinyua, will join with other inter­cul­tural leaders to resource those…

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Persecution, Salvations and New Songs

Persecution, Salvations and New Songs

In this article one of our Mission Part­ners shares about the struggles of those Chris­ti­ans in her com­munity as they seek to reach their neigh­bours with the Gospel. In amongst the pain and dif­fi­culties that you will read about, you can still feel the strength and resi­li­ence of the local believers.…

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Rev Ian Yong Commissioned for NZCMS Role in Auckland

Rev Ian Yong Commissioned for NZCMS Role in Auckland

On the 30th June, Rev Ian Yong was com­mis­sioned by NZCMS in a new role of Inter­cul­tural Min­is­tries Enabler working within the Auck­land Diocese. A man of several hats, Ian also serves as an assist­ant priest at St Paul’s Symonds Street.

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Latest Events

Making Jesus Known Among the Nations in Aotearoa

Making Jesus Known Among the Nations in Aotearoa

Are you serving among people of other cul­tures? Has God given you a heart for migrants? Do you desire to see our churches grow inter­cul­tur­ally? If so, then this event is for you! NZCMS’ Inter­cul­tural Min­is­tries Enabler, Alice Kinyua, will join with other inter­cul­tural leaders to resource those…

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NZCMS Support Groups & Events

NZCMS Support Groups & Events

NZCMS holds regular sup­porter events in Auck­land, Nelson, Christ­ch­urch, and Dunedin. These are a valu­able way to hear about the work of NZCMS from Mission Part­ners and staff, and to pray together. Every­one is welcome. Please check your loc­a­tion for further details.

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