When God speaks, he often uses the moments.

What could one of these moments look like?

  • You came alive when you walked down a street in a place thou­sands of kilo­metres from your home.
  • Your mind con­stantly replays a con­ver­sa­tion you had during a hot, dusty van ride.
  • You’re chal­lenged by the radical love and com­pas­sion of an over­seas com­munity to combat injustice in their neighbourhood.

Have you ever exper­i­enced a moment like these before? Often, a call into a season of global mission service begins this way.

NZCMS walks with you through these moments.


In this program, we will send you to serve under one of our Mission Part­ners or a friend organ­isa­tion of NZCMS serving in global mission. You will live with them in com­munity. You will listen. You will learn. You will ‘watch how they do it’. You will be invited to roll up your sleeves and serve along­side them.

Just like any other appren­tice learn­ing on the job, you will prac­tice the ‘trade’ of global mission, receiv­ing 1 on 1 ment­or­ing and guid­ance from our global mission experts and the NZCMS team.

An Apprenticeship in Global Mission

Appren­tice­ship [ uh – pren – tis – ship ] noun

1. a program or pos­i­tion in which someone learns a trade by working under a cer­ti­fied expert

2. the state or pos­i­tion of any learner or novice

All you need to know

Who are we looking for?

We’re offer­ing this appren­tice­ship to those who feel God is calling them into a season of global mis­sions service. 

You may have joined a short-term team over­seas as part of your church or school. Perhaps you’ve lived cross-cul­tur­ally with your family or as an exchange student. Or you might be serving sig­ni­fic­antly within a mul­ti­cul­tural com­munity here in New Zealand.

Some­where along the way, global mission has cap­tured your heart, God has got your atten­tion and you want to pursue this further. You are who we are looking for! Our hope is to help you to discern the next steps.


The details

The NZCMS ‘Moments’ Appren­tice­ship has place­ments avail­able in Africa, Asia and the Pacific. Each appren­tice­ship will be tailor-made to the indi­vidual as we discern together with God, you and your pro­spect­ive hosts to identify the best place for you to be.

Gen­er­ally speak­ing we’re aiming for your over­seas place­ment to be from 3 — 6 months. But again, we will work this out through part­ner­ship and prayer with you and your over­seas community.

Please note that this program is for New Zealand cit­izens only


What does NZCMS offer?

As an organ­isa­tion NZCMS has trained, sent and sup­por­ted hun­dreds of New Zeal­anders all over the world for the past 200 years. Today, the current NZCMS team has around 100 years’ of com­bined exper­i­ence serving in global mission. We want to put all this exper­i­ence and know­ledge to use in part­ner­ing with, pre­par­ing and sup­port­ing an entire new gen­er­a­tion of global Mission Partners.

By joining the Moments Appren­tice­ship you will belong to a com­munity. A com­munity of exper­i­enced, global mission pas­sion­ate people, ready to walk with you through every step of the appren­tice­ship process! This includes:

    • Place­ment discernment
    • Pre­par­a­tion, train­ing and coaching
    • Account­ab­il­ity
    • Deep rela­tion­ship
    • Pas­toral support
    • Prayer support
    • Debrief­ing
    • And more!

 Next steps

The applic­a­tion process for this program all begins with rela­tion­ship. Whether you think God is calling you over­seas in 5 years, or as soon as pos­sible, we want to meet you now.

We want to hear your story. We want to share the whakapapa and vision of NZCMS. So let’s go grab a coffee (our shout) and we’ll take it from there.

We are cur­rently offer­ing a $1000 schol­ar­ship for a lucky person who is accep­ted into this program. Schol­ar­ships are limited so get in quick! Mention the schol­ar­ship in the message below and we will be in touch asap.