Japan Mission Nights around NZ

Jul 15, 2024 | Events, Home Event, News

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Seeking to invest in the next gen­er­a­tion of Chris­tian leaders, Luke and Naomi Sin­clair are our Mission Part­ners with the uni­ver­sity student group, Kir­isuto­sha Gakusei Kai in Tokyo, Japan.

With only 0.5% of the pop­u­la­tion identi­fy­ing as evan­gel­ical Chris­ti­ans, Japan remains the second-largest unreached people group in the world and is in deep need of dis­ciples making disciples.

Luke and Naomi cur­rently running various events around NZ over August and Septem­ber and we’d love you to attend! Check out our Face­book Events for more inform­a­tion. www.facebook.com/nzcms.org.nz/events

Luke and Naomi Sin­clair Speak­ing Engagements


August 1 — Japan Mission Night — 7:30 — 9:00pm, Trinity Church, 200 Colombo St, Sydenham
Details: Join the Sin­clairs as they take you on a tour through the seasons of Japan and their life and min­istry there. Luke and Naomi bring the stories of God’s work in Japan close to you. Be inspired and equipped to join Luke and Naomi in support and prayer.

August 3 — DIY Japan­ese Homestay Seminar — 10:00am — 11:30am, Trinity Church, 200 Colombo St, Sydenham
Details: How to host, welcome, care for, and share the gospel with Japan­ese stu­dents in your own home

August 9 — NZCMS Support Group — 10:30am — 12:00pm

August 16 — Japan Mission Night — 7:30pm — 9:00pm, Ric­car­ton High School, hosted by Corner­stone Church
Details: Join the Sin­clairs as they take you on a tour through the seasons of Japan and their life and min­istry there. Luke and Naomi bring the stories of God’s work in Japan close to you. Be inspired and equipped to join Luke and Naomi in support and prayer.

Septem­ber 7 — Japan Mission Night — Hosted at Holy Trinity Richmond
Details: Join the Sin­clairs as they take you on a tour through the seasons of Japan and their life and min­istry there. Luke and Naomi bring the stories of God’s work in Japan close to you. Be inspired and equipped to join Luke and Naomi in support and prayer.


Septem­ber 19 — Japan Mis­sions Night — 7:30pm — 9:00pm, 39 Webb St. Mount Cook
Details: Join the Sin­clairs as they take you on a tour through the seasons of Japan and their life and min­istry there. Luke and Naomi bring the stories of God’s work in Japan close to you. Be inspired and equipped to partner them in in support and prayer.


Septem­ber 24 — NZCMS Prayer Support Group, 10:00am — 11:30am, Selwyn Village, PT Chevalier

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