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Do you have a passion for living cross-cul­tur­ally and using your skills to benefit an over­seas com­munity? If you are inter­ested in serving glob­ally with NZCMS, we would love to talk further with you.

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Rela­tion­ships are very import­ant to us: we want to meet you face to face! Ques­tions of part­ner­ship are also central, so we would love to know about your church, your lead­er­ship, and discuss who you will be account­able to — both here in New Zealand, and overseas.

We’ll also take time to discern the kind of mission involve­ment that you feel called to. With NZCMS, Mission Part­ners can either be short-term (less than a year) or longer-term (more than a year).

The care and well­being of any pro­spect­ive Mission Partner is always upper­most in our con­sid­er­a­tions, so we take a hol­istic approach as we discuss what global mis­sions service might look like for you. Joining NZCMS is joining a family.

Our process involves four main steps: 

Initial Inquiry

Start by filling in the inquiry form below and we will be in touch with you to arrange a coffee or Zoom. We’ll also most likely talk through sending us a CV. 


We each commit time to prayer, handing the details over to God and seeking Holy Spir­it’s wisdom. If we both have a sense of agree­ment to con­tinue the process, you can then com­plete our applic­a­tion papers. We require Police Clear­ance and other checks to make sure you’re healthy and equipped to be a Mission Partner.


We form­ally inter­view you in person with some key staff at NZCMS and poten­tially one or two board members.

Getting you there

This is where accept­ance is con­firmed! There will be study for you to under­take in pre­par­a­tion. We will support you in all aspects of your new role; from sorting the logist­ics to helping you set up a network of fin­an­cial and prayer supporters.

Next Steps

If you’d like to explore serving in global mission with NZCMS, please fill out the inquiry form, and we’ll get onto that coffee.