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Relationships are very important to us: we want to meet you face to face! Questions of partnership are also central, so we would love to know about your church, your leadership, and discuss who you will be accountable to — both here in New Zealand, and overseas.
We’ll also take time to discern the kind of mission involvement that you feel called to. With NZCMS, Mission Partners can either be short-term (less than a year) or longer-term (more than a year).
The care and wellbeing of any prospective Mission Partner is always uppermost in our considerations, so we take a holistic approach as we discuss what global missions service might look like for you. Joining NZCMS is joining a family.
Our process involves four main steps:

Initial Inquiry
Start by filling in the inquiry form below and we will be in touch with you to arrange a coffee or Zoom. We’ll also most likely talk through sending us a CV.

We each commit time to prayer, handing the details over to God and seeking Holy Spirit’s wisdom. If we both have a sense of agreement to continue the process, you can then complete our application papers. We require Police Clearance and other checks to make sure you’re healthy and equipped to be a Mission Partner.

We formally interview you in person with some key staff at NZCMS and potentially one or two board members.

Getting you there
This is where acceptance is confirmed! There will be study for you to undertake in preparation. We will support you in all aspects of your new role; from sorting the logistics to helping you set up a network of financial and prayer supporters.
Next Steps
If you’d like to explore serving in global mission with NZCMS, please fill out the inquiry form, and we’ll get onto that coffee.