Gather to Scatter

Shaping Hearts and Minds for Global Mission 

HomeGet InvolvedGather to Scatter

Shaping Hearts and Minds for Global Mission

We meet many people who are cap­tured by the call Christ gives to “Go into all the world and make dis­ciples”. At the same time these same people struggle with ques­tions like:  

“Where do I go?”
“What will I do?”
“How do I get there?”
“What’s the first step?”

Well, we want you to know that you are not alone! We at NZCMS have been there and done that.

Our goal is to gather you and other like minded people together to strengthen, teach and inspire you into God’s calling so that God can scatter you into the world with the Gospel. 

Serving in global mission is unique in the sense that you live and serve with an over­seas com­munity that under­stand and inter­act with the world and faith in rad­ic­ally dif­fer­ent ways than you.

Serving in global mission involves bring­ing your­self, mind sould and spirit, into a context not your own. At Gather to Scatter, our prayer and purpose is to is that the Holy Spirit will fuel and form the spark of calling stir­ring within you into an inex­tin­guish­able fire. 

This event will shape your heart and mind with the humil­ity, passion and know­ledge needed to serve God well in the calling He is invit­ing you into. 

Who is this event for?

Gather to Scatter is for those who are ser­i­ously con­sid­er­ing serving God in global mission at some point, whether that is next month or next decade. You might be con­sid­er­ing leading or par­ti­cip­at­ing in a short term team or serving God long term overseas.

It’s for those asking God “So, what’s the next step for me now?”. Gather to Scatter is that next step!

We do not have a spe­cific ‘age group’ we’re tar­get­ing but usually those dis­cern­ing this calling are any­where from their 20’s to early 50’s, and this event will welcome you wherever you fit on this scale. 

Whether you are a young person or empty nester, we want you!


What Will You Get?

NZCMS are experts in train­ing, sending and sup­port­ing Global Mission Part­ners. We’ve been doing it since the first NZCMS mis­sion­ary Marie Pasley was sent to Japan in 1892. It is our driving passion and our sharply honed skill set.  

Gather to Scatter will be all about par­ti­cip­a­tion. If you’re expect­ing to sit in a chair and take notes the whole time you will be dis­ap­poin­ted! We will help you see your blind spots and recog­nise your God given strengths. 

You will be sur­prised. You may feel a little uncom­fort­able and stretched (but don’t worry everything will be safe). You could even become frus­trated or annoyed. All these things will be part of the life of those who serve in global missions.

Through it all, we promise, we will have lots of fun!

A more detailed program with the content and topics covered will be sent to you when you register. 

The Details

  • When?  May 9 — 10 (Friday night to Sat­urday night)
  • Where?  St Timothy’s Anglican Church, Burn­side Christchurch
  • How much?  $20 (Supper and Sat­urday lunch provided)
  • How many? We expect to gather around 20 — 40 people. 

Got Questions?

Please get in touch with our office.
03 377 2222


Sign Up Form

Are you ready to enquire more about this program? Fill in the form below and someone from NZCMS will be in touch with you soon. 

Who Willl Run it?

Bruce White — NZCMS Personnel Manager 

Bruce part­ners with Carolyn to look after our Mission Part­ners. Together they support, equip and encour­age our people serving over­seas. Bruce pastored at a Baptist church for ten years before he and his wife Karen served with the New Zealand Baptist Mis­sion­ary Society in south asia for seven years.

They then returned to New Zealand to pastor again for another seven years before God opened the door for Bruce to join our team.

Jairus Robb — NZCMS Communications Officer

Jairus is respons­ible for NZCMS Com­mu­nic­a­tions. Having lived in Papua New Guinea as a toddler, and in Cam­bodia as a teen­ager, Jairus has had many exper­i­ences living in global mis­sions. He has also par­ti­cip­ated in and led mul­tiple short term overseas.

Before joining NZCMS in 2017, he was a youth worker for 8 years and received a Bach­elor of Min­is­tries from Laidlaw Bible College. He is married to Jasmine, serves the young adults’ min­istry at their church Ric­car­ton Com­munity Church and is on the Mis­sions Board there.

Rosie Fyfe — NZCMS National Director

Rosie’s term as National Dir­ector of NZCMS began in 2019. 

Pre­vi­ously, she served as an NZCMS Mission Partner in Egypt for five years before com­plet­ing a Master’s degree in Church History and Theo­logy at Trinity School for Min­istry in Ambridge, Pennsylvania. She cur­rently lives in Christchurch.