
Whether it be a ques­tion about our work, a request for a speaker, or a desire to support a Mission Partner, we’d love to hear from you! Please feel free to get in touch using the details below.



+64 3 377 2222




Postal & Street address
78 Peter­bor­ough Street
Christ­ch­urch Central,
Christ­ch­urch 8013
New Zealand


    We publish a fort­nightly email news­let­ter and bi-monthly prayer pub­lic­a­tion. You can sub­scribe to these here: 

    Email News

    Sent to your email fortnightly

    Sub­scrib­ing to our E‑News is the best way to keep up to date with NZCMS. In this fort­nightly news­let­ter, we will share news, stories, and prayer needs from our Mission Part­ners, and let you know of other NZCMS events and updates.

    Prayer Fuel

    Mailed to your address bi-monthly 

    If you’d like to support NZCMS and our people through prayer, then this is the pub­lic­a­tion for you. This small printed booklet is full of prayer requests from our Mission Part­ners and wider NCMS com­munity, and fits per­fectly in your Bible. Join with hun­dreds of other inter­cessors around New Zealand and the world in this vital work of prayer.

    Our People

    Mailed to your address annually 

    This pub­lic­a­tion will make sure you’re able to put faces to names, and makes a good sup­ple­ment to our other regular pub­lic­a­tions. Here, we profile our Mission Part­ners and tell you more about the nature of their work.