On Sunday, 12 February, a crowd gathered at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Grafton, Auckland, for an ordination service and to commission J&Z, NZCMS’ newest Mission Partners. J&Z’s home church, St James Anglican Church in Māngere Bridge, is part of Te Pīhopatanga o te Tai Tokerau, and they also belong to the missional order of Urban Vision.
They were jointly sent out by NZCMS, Urban Vision and the Right Rev Kitohi Pikaahu. In the Commissioning, they answered yes to the following calling:
Will you go, not to be served, but to serve;
will you allow the word to be made flesh in your lives;
will you live simply, setting aside your right to affluence;
will you cherish community with your team and your neighbours;
and will you bear witness to the Gospel, in all its dimensions?
Also, will you be gracious with yourselves and with others;
will you celebrate with generosity;
will you honour God’s hand of beauty within and around you;
will you encourage creativity and imagination;
and at the end of the day, will you enjoy the Creator’s gift of rest?
Along with those gathered at the commissioning service, we pray for J&Z.
We pray as you enter this new stage in your journey of life and discipleship, may God go with you. May He honour the time you have spent here, that it may carry on bearing fruit in the months and years ahead, and may the way you have helped to shape the journey and path of others be a source of inspiration both to them and you, in the times to come. In the name of Jesus Christ who has called you in the fellowship of the Church Missionary Society, and knowing that the love and prayerful support of this congregation surround you, we send you out. Go in peace, for our God goes with you.
We cannot name J & Z or show their faces online for security reasons. If you would like to get regular updates and prayer requests for them, sign up for our bi-monthly prayer publication, Prayer Fuel.