Are You Our New Personnel Manager?

Are You Our New Personnel Manager?

Are you pas­sion­ate about cross-cul­tural mission? Do you have a heart for pas­toral care and sup­port­ing those serving on the front­lines of mission? NZCMS is looking for another Per­son­nel Manager to join our team. This role is primar­ily about offer­ing care and...
Mission Partner Gives Update on Life in Papua New Guinea

Mission Partner Gives Update on Life in Papua New Guinea

By Nikki Wheeler Mission Partner in Papua New Guinea Kapuna, in the swampy jungle isol­ated bush, has a cap­tiv­at­ing nature to it – life is more simple. We thirst for rain if there hasn’t been any for a few days because we are con­scious of how much water...
Old Relationships Made New

Old Relationships Made New

Te Hauoter­angi (Howard) and Gladys Karaka serve as Māori Evan­gel­ists with Te Pīho­patanga o te Manawa o te Wheke in the Port Waikato area. The Māori Evan­gel­ist ini­ti­at­ive was an invit­a­tion for NZCMS to renew the old rela­tion­ships the first CMS...
NZCMS Personnel Manager Passes on the Baton

NZCMS Personnel Manager Passes on the Baton

By Mike Robb, NZCMS Per­son­nel Manager A story from Papua New Guinea Late Novem­ber, my wife Ruth and I were speed­ing along a river in a dinghy in a remote part of the low­lands in the Gulf Province of Papua New Guinea. We had been paying a pas­toral visit...
Meet our New Mission Partners

Meet our New Mission Partners

It’s always so excit­ing when we can intro­duce new Mission Partners! This couple have a back­ground serving in youth min­istry and primary school teach­ing. They will be working in edu­ca­tion and youth min­is­tries, serving people living in a slum com­munity in...
Are You our New Youth Mission Enabler?

Are You our New Youth Mission Enabler?

Are you pas­sion­ate about seeing young people explor­ing God’s calling on their lives? Have you served in global or cross-cul­tural mission and want to help others engage with mission? NZCMS is looking for a Youth Mission Enabler to join our national team. The...