Introducing our New Mission Partners to Southeast Asia
Jamie and Lily Somerville are experienced missionaries, having served in Thailand for ten years, discipling young people. After returning to NZ to complete theological education and English study, they are preparing to head back to Thailand with...
Global Opportunties: Where is God Sending you?
NZCMS has relationships all over the world and we are constantly looking for those who feel a call from God into global missions. However, we have recently been made aware of the following urgent requests for skilled people to fill the following...
God’s Kingdom as a Gift of Eggs
Mithu phoned to check whether I was going to be home, he had something for me. When he came to my door he unwrapped six eggs. These were the most precious eggs I have ever received. Let me tell you their story.

Introducing Our New Māori Evangelist
By Troy Nathan, NZCMS Māori Evangelist How I Met Jesus I met Jesus in Waikeria on July 26 in 1982. While inside the Waikeria prison, after I physically abused a white man, he later came back to see me with a chocolate and Bible. I thought he was a nut...