Deeply Relational is Essential for Mission

Deeply Relational is Essential for Mission

By Mike Robb, NZCMS Per­son­nel Manager   “Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus, who, though He was in the form of God, did not regard equal­ity with God as some­thing to be exploited, but emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, being...
The Most Excellent Way

The Most Excellent Way

How do you get from growing up in rural mid-Can­ter­bury to Global mission in the mega­city of Tokyo? Here, NZCMS Mission Partner Luke Sin­clair describes part of his journey of every­day dis­ciple­ship that res­ul­ted in his call to mission. 

Mission – Not for the faint of heart

Mission – Not for the faint of heart

By Anne McCormick, NZCMS Archivist. Whether way back when or more recently, mis­sion­ar­ies face many varied chal­lenges. Ref­er­ences to so-called “one-way mis­sion­ar­ies” abound in his­tor­ical records on mission. Aware of the dangers on the field, these...
A Miraculous Story

A Miraculous Story

By Andy Miller, Mission Partner to Costa Rica.   My wife Shona sensed the call to global mission at 12 years old at her home church in Auck­land. In her 20’s she did mission trips to Tan­zania and Colom­bia. I grew up as a son of British mis­sion­ar­ies in...
No room at the inn

No room at the inn

In early 2021, we ran an appeal for a hostel in Pakistan. In order to house and dis­ciple the next intake of stu­dents, the hostel needed $10,000. You and others raised over $18,000. Our Mission Partner who serves there reports back on the power­ful impact this will...