Introducing our New Intercultural Ministry Enabler
An Interview with Alice Kinyua Tell us a bit about your background. Where do you come from and who do you call family? A little under six years ago, my family and I moved from Nairobi, Kenya to the lovely city of Whanganui, NZ. At that time my husband,...
Deeply Relational is Essential for Mission
By Mike Robb, NZCMS Personnel Manager “Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus, who, though He was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God as something to be exploited, but emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, being...
The Most Excellent Way
How do you get from growing up in rural mid-Canterbury to Global mission in the megacity of Tokyo? Here, NZCMS Mission Partner Luke Sinclair describes part of his journey of everyday discipleship that resulted in his call to mission.

Mission – Not for the faint of heart
By Anne McCormick, NZCMS Archivist. Whether way back when or more recently, missionaries face many varied challenges. References to so-called “one-way missionaries” abound in historical records on mission. Aware of the dangers on the field, these...