“Hamilton” Musical and Missions?

“Hamilton” Musical and Missions?

By Luke Sinclair, Mission Partner serving in Japan A turning point on my journey to mission lies some­where between Aaron Burr and Alex­an­der Hamilton, the two rival char­ac­ters as por­trayed in the 2015 musical, “Hamilton”. Set in the early years of...
Meet our New Missions Intern!

Meet our New Missions Intern!

Q and A with Mike Jessop Who do you call your family and where do you come from? I hail from down south in Bal­clutha. I grew up in a loving Chris­tian home with two great parents and four awesome sib­lings. I also have a sup­port­ive wider church family who...
Everyone Sent

Everyone Sent

By Rosie Fyfe, NZCMS National Director Each of us at NZCMS shares a deep passion: to see the church enga­ging in mission. We exist to enable this – as a sending organ­isa­tion, we provide resources, prayer support, and logist­ics to send people into mission....
NZCMS Staff Member Says Farewell After Nine Years

NZCMS Staff Member Says Farewell After Nine Years

By Kirstin Cant Nine years ago, I had just fin­ished study­ing a bit of theo­logy and I came across a job with a mission organ­isa­tion I had never heard of, that was offer­ing a role right in the niche of what I was pas­sion­ate about: jour­ney­ing with young...
Introducing our New Intercultural Ministry Enabler

Introducing our New Intercultural Ministry Enabler

An Inter­view with Alice Kinyua Tell us a bit about your back­ground. Where do you come from and who do you call family? A little under six years ago, my family and I moved from Nairobi, Kenya to the lovely city of Whan­ganui, NZ. At that time my husband,...