What About the Birds

What About the Birds

By Lily Emo Illustrator By the time NZCMS came to me with a request for artwork, a lot of thought had already gone into present­ing their values through their new brand­ing. John 20:21 had been used to form a lot of the think­ing behind the tag line “Every­one...
Mission Partners Give Update After Three Months in Tokyo

Mission Partners Give Update After Three Months in Tokyo

By Luke and Naomi Sinclair NZCMS Mission Part­ners to Japan We’ve been in Chofu, Tokyo for three months! A high­light has been the great con­ver­sa­tions we’re having with local fam­il­ies at Angeline’s Chris­tian preschool. We haven’t met another...
Introducing New NZCMS Board Member

Introducing New NZCMS Board Member

The Rev. Claude Fong Toy has been appoin­ted to the NZCMS Board. Claude is cur­rently the Vicar of St Eliza­beth Parish of Clendon, Auck­land, having com­pleted his B. Theo­logy through Otago while at St John’s College in Auck­land in 2021. Claude and his...
The Voices of the Global Church

The Voices of the Global Church

By Jairus Robb, NZCMS Com­mu­nic­a­tions Officer When I was sev­en­teen, my twin brother and I were helping Dad move our house. After getting a ques­tion from Dad I said, “Muskie that”. He glanced at me in amuse­ment. “It’s so funny you guys still...
The Nations Among Us

The Nations Among Us

By Alice Kinyua NZCMS Inter­cul­tural Min­istry Enabler There is an image that I find mind-bog­gling, described in Rev­el­a­tion 7:9–10 “After this, I looked, and there before me was a great mul­ti­tude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe,...
Death, Life and the Space in Between

Death, Life and the Space in Between

By Nick Laing Mission Partner in Uganda   Just two days ago my won­der­ful Uncle Andrew died. Although I was not close with him myself, my parents and also my sister were very close, and he con­trib­uted much to their lives, espe­cially in recent years....