Commissioning our Newest Mission Partners

Commissioning our Newest Mission Partners

On Sunday, 12 Feb­ru­ary, a crowd gathered at the Church of the Holy Sep­ulchre in Grafton, Auck­land, for an ordin­a­tion service and to com­mis­sion J&Z, NZCMS’ newest Mission Part­ners. J&Z’s home church, St James Anglican Church in Māngere Bridge, is part...
Introducing Our New Māori Evangelist

Introducing Our New Māori Evangelist

By Fran Hokianga Māori Evangelist Ko Ūpokonui te Maunga Ko Waikeri te roto Ko Man­gonui te Moana Ko Ruakara­mea te Waka Ko Ngati Kahu te Iwi Ko Te Paatu te Marae Ko Ātirikona Bert raua ko Ani Karaka oku Mātua Tupuna Ko...
Are Short-Term ‘Mission Trips’ Worth it?

Are Short-Term ‘Mission Trips’ Worth it?

By Mike Jessop NZCMS Mis­sions Intern From Decem­ber 2022 to January 2023, a group of 38 kiwis went to Nairobi, Kenya for 3 ½ weeks. We were led by Waweru and Mato, two Kenyan pastors serving in min­istry here in New Zealand. We partnered with Nairobi Chapel...
Are You Our New Personnel Manager?

Are You Our New Personnel Manager?

Are you pas­sion­ate about cross-cul­tural mission? Do you have a heart for pas­toral care and sup­port­ing those serving on the front­lines of mission? NZCMS is looking for another Per­son­nel Manager to join our team. This role is primar­ily about offer­ing care and...
Mission Partner Gives Update on Life in Papua New Guinea

Mission Partner Gives Update on Life in Papua New Guinea

By Nikki Wheeler Mission Partner in Papua New Guinea Kapuna, in the swampy jungle isol­ated bush, has a cap­tiv­at­ing nature to it – life is more simple. We thirst for rain if there hasn’t been any for a few days because we are con­scious of how much water...