The Pawpaws and the Fruit Bats

The Pawpaws and the Fruit Bats

By Nikki Wheeler, NZCMS Mission Partner to Papua New Guinea Nikki works along­side her husband Scott with the com­munity at Kapuna Hos­pital in Papua New Guinea. They support several pro­jects around the hos­pital and local vil­lages, includ­ing water...
Q and A with Newest NZCMS Intern

Q and A with Newest NZCMS Intern

By Rose New­big­ging, NZCMS Intern Who do you call your family and where do you come from? I was born In Christ­ch­urch, then when I was about 7 we moved to England and then back to NZ when I turned 16, set­tling in Nelson because my Dad’s parents live here....
Reflections of a Family Reunion

Reflections of a Family Reunion

By Anna Smart Anna par­ti­cip­ated in NZCMS’ gap year program in 2019. She is now in her fourth year of her Bach­elor of Arts/​Bachelor of Laws, and is involved with the Karuwhā Trust on a vol­un­tary basis. She respon­ded to an invit­a­tion to the Karuwhā Trust...
2023 Annual Report

2023 Annual Report

By Rosie Fyfe, NZCMS National Director It seems appro­pri­ate to send out our NZCMS Annual Report on Maundy Thursday. This is the day we remem­ber Jesus washing the feet of his disciples. After living in the Middle East, I have a per­sonal...
Introducing our New Youth Missions Enabler

Introducing our New Youth Missions Enabler

By Cassie Lee NZCMS Youth Mis­sions Enabler Kia ora koutou, Cassie here the new NZCMS youth enabler. I have now been working with the NZCMS team for one month so we thought it would be a good idea to intro­duce myself. My ancest­ors are from...