Tribute to Alison McMillan

Tribute to Alison McMillan

By Anne McCormick, Former NZCMS Mission Partner Alison McMil­lan (nee Rowe) passed away on 3rd Feb­ru­ary 2023 after a short illness. The fol­low­ing details of her early life, includ­ing her mis­sion­ary service with NZCMS, were provided by her younger brother,...
The Pawpaws and the Fruit Bats

The Pawpaws and the Fruit Bats

By Nikki Wheeler, NZCMS Mission Partner to Papua New Guinea Nikki works along­side her husband Scott with the com­munity at Kapuna Hos­pital in Papua New Guinea. They support several pro­jects around the hos­pital and local vil­lages, includ­ing water...
Q and A with Newest NZCMS Intern

Q and A with Newest NZCMS Intern

By Rose New­big­ging, NZCMS Intern Who do you call your family and where do you come from? I was born In Christ­ch­urch, then when I was about 7 we moved to England and then back to NZ when I turned 16, set­tling in Nelson because my Dad’s parents live here....
Reflections of a Family Reunion

Reflections of a Family Reunion

By Anna Smart Anna par­ti­cip­ated in NZCMS’ gap year program in 2019. She is now in her fourth year of her Bach­elor of Arts/​Bachelor of Laws, and is involved with the Karuwhā Trust on a vol­un­tary basis. She respon­ded to an invit­a­tion to the Karuwhā Trust...
2023 Annual Report

2023 Annual Report

By Rosie Fyfe, NZCMS National Director It seems appro­pri­ate to send out our NZCMS Annual Report on Maundy Thursday. This is the day we remem­ber Jesus washing the feet of his disciples. After living in the Middle East, I have a per­sonal...