The Work of an Evangelist

The Work of an Evangelist

By NZCMS Māori Evan­gel­ist, Keri-Ann Hokianga   I con­tinue to lead as Co-Priest at Koringa­rau (new church plant) as I found it is import­ant that pas­toral care and dis­ciple­ship happen to support my role as Evan­gel­ist. Rev Sela Havili and our...
Introducing our New Personnel Manager

Introducing our New Personnel Manager

By Bruce White, NZCMS Per­son­nel Manager Kia ora Whānau. I am blessed to have com­menced with NZCMS as a Per­son­nel Manager in early May. I have a varied Chris­tian back­ground, growing up in the Sal­va­tion Army, then the Pente­costal stream, fol­lowed by a...
Using Tax Credits to Support Māori Evangelists

Using Tax Credits to Support Māori Evangelists

It’s the time of year when we receive receipts from churches and char­it­ies that we give to and get tax dona­tion credits from IRD. If you haven’t decided what you’ll do with this money, do con­sider sup­port­ing the Māori Evangelists. The impact of their...