Scott Wheeler Accepted as NZ Based Mission Partner

Scott Wheeler Accepted as NZ Based Mission Partner

As you will notice in the coming com­mu­nic­a­tions, the Wheeler fam­ily’s status has changed. They have moved back to New Zealand per­man­ently and are now based back home in Wel­ling­ton where the chil­dren will attend school and Nikki has taken up her work as a...
Board Treasurer Endorses Gift in Wills

Board Treasurer Endorses Gift in Wills

The Corban family has a long­stand­ing con­nec­tion with NZCMS. My Dad and Mum were Mission Part­ners in Tan­zania for 10 years, and one of my broth­ers and I were both born there. Dad went on to be chair of the NZCMS Board and now it’s my priv­ilege to serve on the...
The Legacy of Allan Anderson

The Legacy of Allan Anderson

Allan Ander­son was a com­mit­ted sup­porter of NZCMS and an extraordin­ary entre­pren­eur. He was phil­an­thropic, future focused, vis­ion­ary and pas­sion­ate about putting his faith into action. Allan led the NZCMS Branch in Whan­ganui for many years. In the...
Māori Evangelist Shares a Dream

Māori Evangelist Shares a Dream

By Rev Howard Te Hauoter­angi Karaka NZCMS Māori Evangelist Hē Moemoea ahau, (I have a dream) that there is going to be a huge revival. My people in Te Puaha O Waikato & Hauraki have been lost for so many years, many have turned from God and...
NZCMS Board Member Reflects

NZCMS Board Member Reflects

By Rev Dr Rangi Nicholson NZCMS Board Member Members of the NZCMS whānau, along with inter­na­tional guests from CMS UK and Asia CMS, atten­ded the Wānanga Sym­posium on Novem­ber 16 — 18, an event held at Wait­angi. This sym­posium fea­tured leading...