Former Mission Partner Returns to Host Country

Former Mission Partner Returns to Host Country

By Peter Akester, Former NZCMS Mission Partner It was four years since I had been in Tan­zania, and being part of a SOMA mission team to the Diocese of Kondoa was an ideal oppor­tun­ity for me to return. Changes in Tan­zania were evident as soon as I arrived. A...
Pray with the Aryals

Pray with the Aryals

A new ini­ti­at­ive for NZCMS in 2023 is sup­port­ing Co-Mission Part­ners. NZCMS is part­ner­ing with AsiaCMS to ‘co-send’ mis­sion­ar­ies from Asia to Asia. These mis­sion­ar­ies work in stra­tegic mission roles in their own or near culture con­texts. We pray that...
Every Day Evangelism

Every Day Evangelism

By Adrienne Worth, Mission Partner in Cambodia I am part of The Handa Academy (THA) teach­ing team. This is mainly a Khmer team with our Amer­ican manager. I share an office with the Khmer staff which I really enjoy. They are a great bunch, and we get along well....
Introducing our New Mission Partners to Southeast Asia

Introducing our New Mission Partners to Southeast Asia

Jamie and Lily Somerville are exper­i­enced mis­sion­ar­ies, having served in Thai­l­and for ten years, dis­cip­ling young people. After return­ing to NZ to com­plete theo­lo­gical edu­ca­tion and English study, they are pre­par­ing to head back to Thai­l­and with...
Global Opportunties: Where is God Sending you?

Global Opportunties: Where is God Sending you?

NZCMS has rela­tion­ships all over the world and we are con­stantly looking for those who feel a call from God into global mis­sions. However, we have recently been made aware of the fol­low­ing urgent requests for skilled people to fill the fol­low­ing...