CMS Global Chairs Gathering 2024

CMS Global Chairs Gathering 2024

Never before have all the CMS Chair­per­sons met in person from around the globe. For the past four years, CMS Chair­per­sons have met twice yearly via Zoom to build a sense of global fra­tern­ity, hear about each other’s plans, and learn from one another for the good...
Report from the Diocese of Singapore Mission Consultation

Report from the Diocese of Singapore Mission Consultation

From October 22–25, 2024, the Diocese of Singa­pore hosted the Plant­ing Future Dio­ceses Mission Con­sulta­tion Roundtable in Bangkok. The event brought together key leaders from across South­east Asia, as well as mission organ­isa­tions like NZCMS, to coordin­ate...
Persecution, Salvations and New Songs

Persecution, Salvations and New Songs

In this article one of our Mission Part­ners shares about the struggles of those Chris­ti­ans in her com­munity as they seek to reach their neigh­bours with the Gospel. In amongst the pain and dif­fi­culties that you will read about, you can still feel the strength...