Report from the Diocese of Singapore Mission Consultation

Report from the Diocese of Singapore Mission Consultation

From October 22–25, 2024, the Diocese of Singa­pore hosted the Plant­ing Future Dio­ceses Mission Con­sulta­tion Roundtable in Bangkok. The event brought together key leaders from across South­east Asia, as well as mission organ­isa­tions like NZCMS, to coordin­ate...
Persecution, Salvations and New Songs

Persecution, Salvations and New Songs

In this article one of our Mission Part­ners shares about the struggles of those Chris­ti­ans in her com­munity as they seek to reach their neigh­bours with the Gospel. In amongst the pain and dif­fi­culties that you will read about, you can still feel the strength...
Update from Mission Partners in Cambodia

Update from Mission Partners in Cambodia

We are cur­rently in Cam­bod­i­a’s annual dry season and it has been an intense one this year. Accord­ing to the gov­ern­ment, it’s been the hottest season in 170 years — most days have been nearing 40 degrees but there’s also a “Feels like” tem­per­at­ure, due to the...
Pray for our Co-Mission Partners

Pray for our Co-Mission Partners

A new ini­ti­at­ive began for NZCMS in 2023 with AsiaCMS to ‘co-send’ mis­sion­ar­ies from Asia to Asia. These mis­sion­ar­ies work in stra­tegic mission roles in their own or near culture contexts. Kumar and Kathryn Aryal are the first Co-Mission Part­ners NZCMS...