Introducing our New Youth Missions Enabler

Introducing our New Youth Missions Enabler

By Cassie Lee NZCMS Youth Mis­sions Enabler Kia ora koutou, Cassie here the new NZCMS youth enabler. I have now been working with the NZCMS team for one month so we thought it would be a good idea to intro­duce myself. My ancest­ors are from...
Old Partnerships Made New

Old Partnerships Made New

By Ven Dr Lyndon Drake Lyndon (Ngāi Tahu) serves as Arch­deacon of Tāmaki Makaurau in the Māori Anglican bish­op­ric of Te Tai Tokerau. He is married to Miriam, and they have three children. Way back in March 2018, I presen­ted a vision of Māori...
Introducing the Co-Mission Partner Initiative

Introducing the Co-Mission Partner Initiative

By Rosie Fyfe NZCMS National Director  Co-Sending Mission Part­ners with AsiaCMS This year, NZCMS started a new ini­ti­at­ive with Asia CMS to ‘co-send’ Mission Part­ners together. AsiaCMS is part of the global CMS network. They were founded 10...
Commissioning our Newest Mission Partners

Commissioning our Newest Mission Partners

On Sunday, 12 Feb­ru­ary, a crowd gathered at the Church of the Holy Sep­ulchre in Grafton, Auck­land, for an ordin­a­tion service and to com­mis­sion J&Z, NZCMS’ newest Mission Part­ners. J&Z’s home church, St James Anglican Church in Māngere Bridge, is part...
Introducing Our New Māori Evangelist

Introducing Our New Māori Evangelist

By Fran Hokianga Māori Evangelist Ko Ūpokonui te Maunga Ko Waikeri te roto Ko Man­gonui te Moana Ko Ruakara­mea te Waka Ko Ngati Kahu te Iwi Ko Te Paatu te Marae Ko Ātirikona Bert raua ko Ani Karaka oku Mātua Tupuna Ko...