Are you Seriously Interested in Mission?

Dec 17, 2024 | News

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Over the course of the last three years NZCMS have been build­ing various small groups for global mission pas­sion­ate people called “Ser­i­ously Inter­ested in Mission”. These groups have been stead­ily growing and we now have regular meet­ings across Aotearoa! First planted in Otau­tahi Christ­ch­urch by our National Dir­ector Rosie and former Mission Partner Katie, these groups are designed to host dis­cus­sions and prayer for those dis­cern­ing God’s call into cross-cul­tural mission either now or in the future. If you find your­self con­sid­er­ing these ques­tions or know of someone who is, we would love to hear from you!

Time and time again we’ve heard from many of these people that they have pre­vi­ously struggled to find their ‘place’. The people that they can talk to about this calling. A com­munity in which they can pray with, encour­age and learn together. Sadly, for them, those ‘ser­i­ously inter­ested in mission’ are few and far between. We are so excited to be able to provide these spaces for those attending.

We now have three of these groups running across New Zealand in Christ­ch­urch, Nelson and Wel­ling­ton. NZCMS Mission Partner Scott Wheeler hosted the first gath­er­ing in Wel­ling­ton a couple of weeks ago and had 15 people turn up. On the first night! What a start! We are sensing an urgency at NZCMS to invite people into these spaces. An urgency for us as an organ­isa­tion to offer part­ner­ship and guid­ance in cross-cul­tural missions.

We sense that something new may be stirring in New Zealand. There seems to be more and more discussions springing up about “What is the role of the Church?” and “What is God calling us into?”. Just as exciting are the general shifts in society where, especially Gen Z, are more and more interested in spirituality.

(Go to–2/ to learn more).

In Ōtau­tahi Christ­ch­urch where the NZCMS offices are based, the youth pastors and leaders here are saying that they are seeing more bap­tisms in this last year than they’ve seen in over a decade! Perhaps you’ve been hearing similar stories. People seem to be more willing to accept risk and chal­lenge if it comes with meaning and purpose. They’re looking for a ‘dir­ec­tion to go’ even if it means risking safety and security.

Could it be that God is doing some­thing new? The general nar­rat­ive is that the Church is dying and sec­u­lar­ism is over­whelm­ing. But we are sensing a new sound rising. Are we willing to listen to what God is saying? To be aware of the sound of his gentle foot­steps and follow him down a track we did not expect?

We’re begin­ning to wonder if the title chosen for these Ser­i­ously Inter­ested in Mission groups, isn’t just a title that is fun and quirky but is a proph­etic call for the Church.

Perhaps those passionate about cross-cultural missions will soon not just be a small remnant trying to find a scattering of like-minded people, but an entire generation willing to make their lives a living sacrifice to God. 

That he is raising up the Church of Aotearoa to be “Seriously Interested in Mission”.

We praise God for the faith­ful work that he is doing in the minds and hearts of the Church over this past year. We thank you, Lord, for your guid­ance. We thank you for the work you’ve been doing in the soil, the heart, of the church of Aotearoa. We pray for more Lord. Send us those that we can partner with and empower to pursue your will above all things. Reveal where you’re at work. Give us wisdom. Give us the Church so that we can send them out to the world. Amen.

Jairus Robb
NZCMS Com­mu­nic­a­tions Officer

The Ser­i­ously Inter­ested in Mission groups are designed to host dis­cus­sions and prayer for those dis­cern­ing God’s call into cross-cul­tural mission either now or in the future. If you find your­self con­sid­er­ing these ques­tions or know someone who is we would love to hear from you! Contact our offices at office@​nzcms.​org.​nz to know more.

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