Four Weeks on Mission 2024

NZCMS brings you all the video resources you’ll need for Mis­sions Month 2024. Get access to four weeks of video content from those on the front lines of mission. 

HomeResourcesFour Weeks on Mission 2024

Does your church need some mission focussed videos for your services?

Be inspired and chal­lenged by the lives and stories of those par­ti­cip­at­ing in God’s mission here and around the world.

2024 Theme: LET’S GO!

There is a great need for the Gospel. We at NZCMS have an urgent sense that now is the time to mobile every dis­ciple into God’s mission, wherever and however He calls them.

For this year’s Four Weeks on Mission series, we want you to come away feeling inspired and empowered to step into God’s call to partner with Him in mission wherever you are placed.

We will be dis­cuss­ing the fol­low­ing topics:

Episode 1 — What is Mission?

Episode 2 — The Need for the Gospel

Episode 3 — By the Spirit

Episode 4 — The Global Church

These four videos include dis­cus­sions with some Mission Part­ners serving in Cam­bodia, a Kenyan mis­sion­ary serving here in New Zealand, a Māori Evan­gel­ist reach­ing his com­munity in Auck­land and NZCMS’ very own National Dir­ector! Each video will be 4 — 5 minutes long, perfect to use as part of your church service or small group events.

So, are you ready to answer the Spir­it’s call? Let’s go! 

Sign Up

If you would like to get access to these videos get in touch with us at or call us at 03 377 2222 and we will get you all set up with everything you’ll need. 

Series Participants



Neil and Rebekah Dunbar, Mission Partners serving in Cambodia.

Alice Kinyua, NZCMS staff member.

Howard Karaka, NZCMS Māori Evangelist.

Rosie Fyfe, NZCMS National Director.