Mission Partners

Our Mission Part­ners serve in a variety of loc­a­tions around the world. They work under the author­ity of a local church, and seek to build deep rela­tion­ships with their com­munit­ies. Equipped and sup­por­ted by the NZCMS staff and a team of sup­port­ers, each of our Part­ners serves with the unique com­bin­a­tion of pas­sions, skills, and exper­i­ence that they hold.

HomeOur PeopleMission Part­ners

Scott Wheeler

Scott Wheeler

Papua New Guinea

Scott is a New Zealand-based Mission Partner serving Kapuna Hos­pital in Papua New Guinea. His role is to work along­side Gulf Chris­tian Ser­vices’ (GCS) exec­ut­ive team to imple­ment hos­pital organ­isa­tional systems to develop in line with the hos­pit­als’ rapid growth. This includes vis­it­ing Kapuna three times a year. Scott and his wife Nikki have three chil­dren — Isaac, Abby and Levi.

Adrienne Worth

Adrienne Worth


Adrienne is a com­munity children’s worker in the Handa Academy, a purpose-built school serving rural vil­lages near Bat­tam­bang, Cam­bodia. She helps with lit­er­acy and a com­ple­ment­ary program to the local school extend­ing the children’s education.
Neill and Rebekah Dunbar

Neill and Rebekah Dunbar


Neill and Rebekah serve the Anglican Church in Phnom Penh, Cam­bodia. They are excited to see what God has in store in this beau­ti­ful country as they serve and dis­ciple members of the devel­op­ing church. Their chil­dren are Jonathan, Aaron and Emily. 
Nick and Tessa Laing

Nick and Tessa Laing


Nick and Tessa live and work in their local com­munity in Gulu. Nick coordin­ates over 40 Anglican health centres as part of an ini­ti­at­ive to further extend health­care to the rural poor. Tessa works with com­munit­ies to tackle local justice issues and is cur­rently focused on nur­tur­ing a peace process to trans­form a large-scale land conflict.
Luke and Naomi Sinclair

Luke and Naomi Sinclair


With only 0.5 percent of the pop­u­la­tion identi­fy­ing as evan­gel­ical Chris­ti­ans, Japan remains the second-largest unreached people group in the world. Having exper­i­enced first-hand Japan’s need for Gospel labour­ers, Luke and Naomi are pre­par­ing to partner with the student Chris­tian group there. Their chil­dren are Angeline, Emmett and Ray.

Andy and Shona Miller

Andy and Shona Miller

Costa Rica

The Miller family believe that God is con­tinu­ing to quicken the church in Latin America to send thou­sands of people in a mis­sion­ary move­ment to the most unreached people in the world. Andy and Shona see their role as working along­side this move of God through mobil­ising, net­work­ing, train­ing and inter­pret­ing. Their chil­dren are Aliana, Jeshaiah and Elías.
Roy and Rachael

Roy and Rachael


Roy and Rachael work with Mobile Mission Main­ten­ance Fiji (MMM) by coordin­at­ing volun­teer build­ing and main­ten­ance pro­jects for the Chris­tian com­munity in Nadi. MMM Fiji exists to enhance the spread of the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the min­istry of build­ing — both people and facil­it­ies — to serve Chris­tian work and workers in God’s global kingdom.

To donate to the Hogans send your dona­tion dir­ectly to MMM NZ. They are registered as a NZ Char­it­able Trust so tax deduct­ible reciepts are issued at the end of March. 

Donate dir­ectly to MMM NZ Bank account at: 03 0442 0148838 00 with ‘Hogan’ as the ref­er­ence. To receive an end-of-year receipt email mmmnz@​mmm.​org.​nz with your details. 

Secure Mission Partners 

Some of our Mission Part­ners need to remain anonym­ous online in order to protect them and the com­munit­ies and min­is­tries they serve. Below you will find the loc­a­tion and descrip­tions of their ministry. 
A Mission Partner serving in the Middle East

A Mission Partner serving in the Middle East

This Mission Partner is involved in vis­it­ing refugee women in the Middle East, bring­ing the good news to them and helping them grow in faith. She is also involved in children’s work, and runs a soccer pro­gramme for girls.

Mission Partners serving in the Middle East

Mission Partners serving in the Middle East 

This couple brings with them two decades of exper­i­ence in global mis­sions in the Middle East. One of them serves a number of theo­lo­gical edu­ca­tion min­is­tries and net­works, making stra­tegic con­tri­bu­tions in e‑learning, accred­it­a­tion and church-based train­ing. They have two sons. 
Mission Partner serving in South Asia

Mission Partner serving in South Asia

This Mission Partner serves in South Asia, working as an edu­ca­tion con­sult­ant. Her min­istry mosaic includes spir­itual form­a­tion, retreats, ment­or­ing and capa­city building.

Mission Partner couple serving in South Asia

Mission Partner couple serving in South Asia

This couple works in the edu­ca­tion and youth sectors, with people living in a slum com­munity in South Asia.